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Please understand that is essentially a search robot service for free online video, and that anything can be scanned and added to our index at any time. We do our best to delete illegal content fast, when it is reported.
If you think you saw something illegal, like persons under the age of 18 in a video, please report the links, and include the video address or number.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). Nonetheless, our Site reserves all rights and objections to the formal application of U.S. law to its operations. Filling out this page correctly, will allow us to address your take down notice expeditiously.
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If you think you saw something illegal, like persons under the age of 18 in a video, please report the links, and include the video address or number.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). Nonetheless, our Site reserves all rights and objections to the formal application of U.S. law to its operations. Filling out this page correctly, will allow us to address your take down notice expeditiously.
You can also send a complaint by email:
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